Seminar Archive
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Vahid Sandoghdar
June 21, 2024
Light-matter interaction at the nanometer scale lies at the heart of elementary optical processes such as absorption, emission or scattering.
Sveva Avveduto
May 17, 2024
The seminar will focus on the themes of women's participation in the scientific enterprise in its various aspects.
Eli Barkai
April 19, 2024
Classically the first time a particle reaches a target, either via a diffusive mechanismor deterministically, controls many processes in science.
Ferdinando Ametrano
March 22, 2024
Bitcoin is introduced as a crypto-commodity more than a crypto-currency, possibly the digital equivalent of gold.
Shaul Mukamel
Feb. 9, 2024
Multidimensional spectroscopy has been instrumental for probing dynamical processes in a wide variety of material systems ranging from atoms, molecules to biological complexes.
Hiroki R. Ueda
Feb. 2, 2024
State-of-the-art tissue clearing methods provide unprecedented, high-quality optical access to very large biological specimens from individual organs to entire intact animals.
Daniel Brunner
Jan. 19, 2024
Neural network (NN) concepts revolutionize computing by solving challenges previously thought to be reserved to the abstract intelligence of humans.