
Elisabetta Cerbai
The Director is the legal representative of the LENS and is appointed by the Rector of the University of Florence on the proposal of the Executive Council. He is appointed for three years and his appointment may be renewed consecutively only once. Among its tasks are the preparation of the annual spending plan and the scientific report, the management of the annual budget and the final account, the order of what is necessary for the operation of the LENS. He is flanked by an associate director appointed in the same way.
European Committee
The European Committee is composed of the Rectors and Presidents of universities and affiliated research organizations or their representatives. The European Committee is responsible for conventions with research institutions and universities and examines LENS activity carried out annually.
Executive Council
The Executive Council is composed of experts in the fields of research covered by the LENS and oversees all scientific, administrative and financial activities.The Council may also establish committees from among its members for specific problems whose decisions must be submitted to it.
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board of LENS is established by the Directive Council and has the tasks of ensuring the feasibility and productivity of the research projects of the Institute, of giving an advisory opinion on purchases of major equipment of interest to the Laboratory, of assessing external research projects proposed to the institute and of following the recruitment and training of students.
Administration Staff
The administration office oversees the day-to-day operations of LENS. It manages the employees of the institute, also providing support and assistance to them when unusual situations arise. It supports students and guest researchers during their stay at LENS for all administrative processes. It coordinates the repairs on any office or laboratory equipment that is malfunctioning, preparing and submitting requests for new equipment when necessary.
Technical Staff
In-house facilities provide high-quality technical support to all research groups. There are three workshops equipped to prepair, repair and maintain all electronic, electrical, mechanical and chemical equipment within the LENS, to ensure the best conditions to the scientific activity in all its stages.
Scientific Staff
All those professors and researchers of the University of Florence, and of other Italian or foreign Universities or Research Institutes formally associated with LENS, who ask to be associated with LENS and undertake to help ensure the efficiency of the Laboratory in agreement with the Statutes shall be part of the scientific staff of LENS.
Gender Equality Plan
The European Commission has established from 2022 the adoption of the GEP for all research institutions, as an eligibility criterion for access to European funding under HORIZON EUROPE, The LENS Directive Council on 21/05/2021 has set up the LENS Gender Equality Plan to promote and implement gender equality, within its own structure.